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Update Information You Should Know


Update Information You Should Know  Empty Update Information You Should Know

發表  mencius 周四 12月 13, 2012 7:29 am

Dear students:

In the course of pursuing the excellence of English writing, reading useful, crucial, and relevant materials plays a significant role in terms of justifying your position in your exposition. Not only are you supposed to read extensively; you also need to learn the writing tactics utilized by other outstanding writers, as I always say, if that writer makes use of these words, phrases, and sentence patterns, undoubtedly, you should be adept in those skills as well. Moreover, what really matters is practice on your own, applying what you have learned and what you have read to your essays will directly benefit you to an unexpected extent.

The following articles can serve as your references, which contain statistical information and general knowledge, offering evidence to support your ideas. In order not to hinder your comprehension, I decided to leave the Chinese translation for you so that you won't suffer from their exact meanings. I sincerely hope that you can read them through carefully and memorize the imperative messages inside, as well as picking up their writing patterns. Practice always makes perfect!

Good luck to you,
BR, Christine

Boys, girls as young as 10 aren't always happy with their bodies

L.A., Los Angeles Times ─ Being unhappy with one's body has become a popular pastime, but those engaging in it are getting younger, and they're not all female.
Boys and girls ages 10 and 11 aren't always happy with their bodies, even if they're normal weight. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Alberta in Canada examined data from the 2003 Children's Lifestyle and School-Performance Study, a survey of fifth-graders from Nova Scotia, Canada. Height and weight measurements were taken on 4,254 students who also were asked to respond to the statement, "I like the way I look." Response choices included "never or almost never," "sometimes" and "often or almost always."

Among the students, 7.3 percent of girls and 7.8 percent of boys had bad body satisfaction. Among normal weight girls, 5.7 percent had poor body satisfaction, among overweight girls, 10.4 percent, and among obese girls, 13.1 percent.

Among normal weight boys, 7.6 percent reported bad body satisfaction; among overweight boys, 8.4 percent, and among obese boys, 8.1 percent.

The higher a girl's body mass index, the more likely she was to report poor body satisfaction. However, boys were most unhappy with how they looked when they were too thin or too fat.

Researchers also discovered that girls who lived in rural areas and had parents with lower education levels were more likely to report bad body satisfaction.

The study, published this month in the journal BMC Public Health, concluded: "Given the links between body satisfaction, weight-related behaviors, and weight gain in youth, public health initiatives for overweight prevention with children may be strengthened through better understanding of factors underlying gender differences in body satisfaction and the mechanisms by which living in families with low parental education and in rural communities contribute to poorer body satisfaction among pre-adolescent girls."


洛杉磯,洛杉磯時報 — 對自己的身材感到不滿意已成為「全民運動」,開始有這種想法的年齡層愈來愈低,而且並非只有女性才這樣認為。







Average gamer is 35, often overweight and sad: study

NEW YORK, Reuters — Video games might be regarded as an obsession for youngsters but in fact the average player is aged 35, often overweight, introverted and may be depressed, according to a U.S. study.
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at the behavior of 552 adults aged between 19 to 90 from the Seattle-Tacoma area.

They found 249 of these, or around 45 percent, were video game players, with men accounting for 56 percent of these.

The researchers found that the men who played video games weighed more and used the Internet more than other men.

Women who played video games reported greater levels of depression and poorer overall health than non-gamers with researcher James Weaver and his colleagues suggesting video gaming for adults may be a form of "digital self-medication."

Adult video gamers also seemed less outgoing, or extroverted, and less social and assertive than non-gamers.

This was consistent with prior research in adolescent video game enthusiasts that tied video game playing to sedentary habits, weight issues and mental health concerns.

Adult video gamers of both sexes relied more on the Internet for social support than non-gamers, which supports prior research suggesting that adult video game players may "sacrifice real-world social activities to play video games."

The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, concluded that there was "measurable" associations between playing video games and health risks.

"As hypothesized," the researchers reported, a higher body weight and a greater number of "poor mental health days" differentiated adult video gamers from non-gamers.

研究顯示:成人打電玩 身心健康皆堪憂

紐約,路透社 — 美研究顯示,也許一般認為電動遊戲是年輕人才會著迷,但事實是玩家的平均年齡達是卅五歲,他們通常體重過重、個性內向,而且可能鬱鬱寡歡。









Robot scientists can think for themselves

LONDON, Reuters — Watch out scientists -- you may be replaced by a robot.
Researchers have created machines that could reason, formulate theories and discover scientific knowledge on their own, marking a major advance in the field of artificial intelligence.

Such robo-scientists could be put to work unraveling complex biological systems, designing new drugs, modeling the world's climate or understanding the cosmos.

For the moment, though, they are performing more humble tasks.

At Aberystwyth University in Wales, Ross King and colleagues have created a robot called Adam that can not only carry out experiments on yeast metabolism, but also reason about the results and plan the next experiment.

It is the world's first example of a machine that has made an independent scientific discovery -- in this case, new facts about the genetic make-up of baker's yeast.

"On its own it can think of hypotheses and then do the experiments, and we've checked that it's got the results correct," King said in an interview.

Their next robot, Eve, will have much more brain power and will be put to work searching for new medicines.

King hopes the application of intelligent robotic thinking to the process of sifting tens of thousands of compounds for potential new drugs will be valuable in the hunt for treatments for neglected tropical diseases like malaria.

The researchers do not think robots will make scientists obsolete any day soon, but believe they could take over much of the routine work in research laboratories.


倫敦,路透社 — 注意了,科學家們—你有可能被機器人所取代。








On Darwin's 200th birthday, the theory of evolution is still controversial

LONDON, AP — It is well known that Charles Darwin's groundbreaking theory of evolution made many people furious because it contradicted the Biblical view of creation. But few know that it also created problems for Darwin at home with his deeply religious wife, Emma.
The 1859 publication of "On the Origin of Species" changed scientific thought forever – and generated opposition that continues to this day. It is this elegant explanation of how species evolve through natural selection that makes Darwin's 200th birthday on Feb. 12 such a major event.

More than 300 birthday celebrations are planned in Britain alone, where Darwin's face graces the 10-pound bill along with that of Queen Elizabeth II. Shrewsbury, the central England town where Darwin was born and raised, is holding a month-long festival for its most famous son. A permanent exhibition re-creating some of his most famous experiments is opening at Down House, his former home near London.

Even Darwin's ideological adversaries concede that he was a towering figure. "He was clearly extremely important, his thinking changed the world," said Paul Taylor, a spokesman for Answers in Genesis, a prominent group that rejects Darwin's theory of evolution in favor of a literal interpretation of the Bible. "We disagree with his conclusions, with the way he made extrapolations, but he was a very careful observer and we've got a lot to be grateful for."

Bob Bloomfield, special projects director at London's Museum of Natural History, said Darwin was cautious not only because he didn't want to offend his wife, but also because he understood that the concept of man's evolution from other animals was controversial. He didn't want to present it simply as a hypothesis, but as an explanation buttressed by many observations and facts.


倫敦,美聯社 — 眾所皆知達爾文創新的進化理論讓許多人憤怒,因為他所提出的理論與聖經上帝造物的說法相矛盾。但是很少人知道這也造成了達爾文與家裡虔誠的妻子,艾瑪之間的問題。




Flashy is out as men seek security at work

NEW YORK,Reuters — Forget fast cars and wild women. The recession has changed the way many younger men are living, with stability and security at work and home becoming top priorities, according to a survey.
It showed that men are putting a bigger emphasis on security in their jobs and at home in a return to traditionalism, including smartening up their wardrobes, although they are continuing to embrace new technology.

"We have seen a clear move by men toward seeking more security in their finances, in their relationships and in the workplace," said James Bassil, editor in chief of the Web site AskMen.com, which conducted the poll.

The annual lifestyle survey by AskMen.com included 50,000 men in their 20s, 30s and 40s who were questioned about how the economic crisis had impacted their lives.

It showed that five percent more men than last year said stability and security were key attractions in a new job while salary was no longer the most important factor.

Last year 21 percent said salary was the major consideration for any new job but this dropped to 14 percent in 2009, while the number of men who cited personal achievement as the major motivator rose to 40 percent from 34 percent.

Bassil said this shift toward a more traditional approach in the workplace was also reflected in attitudes toward relationships.

The survey showed 84 percent of men think it's important to have a girlfriend with serious "wife potential."

"We saw this move toward more traditional relationships in 2008 as well but the numbers spiked up in 2009 with 12 percent more saying it was important that a girl has "wife potential" and 15 percent more men believing in marriage," said Bassil.


紐約,路透社— 別再肖想香車和美人了!一項調查顯示,經濟不景氣改變許多年輕人的生活方式,家庭及工作的穩定、保障成為優先考量。








Make-believe friends make kids' language skills better: study

WELLINGTON, Reuters — Parents, don't worry: Imaginary friends are good for children's language skills and may also benefit their performance at school, according to a New Zealand study.
The study, by University of Otago associate professor Elaine Reese and researcher Gabriel Trionfi, investigated the language skills of 48 boys and girls aged 5-1/2, of whom 23 had imaginary, or invisible, friends.

The researchers found that the children who played with these make-believe companions had more advanced narrative skills than children who did not engage in this type of play.

"Because children's storytelling skills are a strong predictor of their later reading skill, these differences may even have positive spinoffs for children's academic performance," Reese said in a statement on the university's Web site.

The children's language skills were assessed by measuring their vocabulary and their ability to retell a fictional story to a puppet, and then a realistic tale based on an outing or family event.

While children were not found to differ in their vocabulary levels, those with invisible companions told higher-quality stories, both about fictional and real events.

"Most importantly, the children with imaginary friends tailored their stories to the task. For fictional stories, they included more dialogue. For realistic stories, they provided more information about time and place compared to children without imaginary friends," Reese explained.

"We believe that children with imaginary friends may be getting extra practice at telling stories.

"First, they may be creating stories with their imaginary friends. Second, because their friends are invisible, children may recount their escapades to interested adults," Reese added.


威靈頓,路透社— 紐西蘭研究顯示,家中寶貝有「幻想玩伴」的父母不必擔心,這對他們的語言能力有幫助,也有利於學校的表現。







Fathers spanked as children less likely to hit own kids

NEW YORK, Reuters — Fathers who were spanked as children are less likely to spank their own children than mothers who were spanked while young, according to a U.S. study.
Researchers from Ohio State University set out to see if 1990s parents followed the practices of their own mothers, but found parents today were showing a lot more affection to their children, reading to them more and spanking them less.

The study of 1,133 young adult parents, whose mothers took part in a 15-year study from 1979, found significant generational changes in parenting practices.

Overall, there was a large generational shift in which the second generation of parents was much less likely to spank than their own parents.

Second generation mothers who were spanked at least once a week were found to be nearly half as more likely to spank their own children compared to mothers who weren't spanked.

The study found only 28 percent of the second generation of fathers reported spanking their children compared to 43 percent of mothers.

"A little spanking of boys seems to deter (fathers) from spanking their own children later in life," said Vespa.

"The evidence suggests that mothers are more the disciplinarians in the family than fathers are today."

In general, the amount of affection that parents show their children has increased significantly over the generations.

Reading to children had also increased markedly. Nearly three times more mothers in the second generation reported reading to their children daily compared to their own parents.


紐約,路透社— 一項美國研究顯示,與在兒時被打屁股體罰的母親相比,兒時被打屁股體罰過的父親,比較不會對他們的小孩施以同樣的體罰。





「對男生小小的體罰會威懾他們,使他們日後不對自己的小孩進行體罰 」,威斯帕說道。




Kids should work with hands for brains' sake

LONDON, Reuters — British children's brain development is being threatened by their failure to work with their hands in school and at home, said a report released on Monday.
倫敦,路透社— 週一有份報告指出,由於英國兒童在學校及家中太少動手做事,導致影響大腦發展。

With woodwork, metalwork, craft, music or car mechanic classes dropped by many schools and children wanting to play computer games at home, the UK is becoming a "software instead of screwdriver society," said the report, commissioned by the Ruskin Mill Educational Trust.


"Working with one's own hands in a real world 3-D environment is imperative for full cognitive and intellectual development," said the report's author Dr. Aric Sigman.


"Research is showing that increasing time spent in the virtual world of computers is displacing hands-on play and hands-on learning.


"That allows young people to experience how the world works in practice, to gain an understanding of materials and processes and to make informed judgments about abstract concepts."


The report cited examples of 11-year-olds with deficits in certain areas of their cognitive development and a decline in the ability of young engineers and apprentices to conceptualize straightforward mechanical problems.


"The findings of this report clearly point to strengthening the role of '3-D' learning and crafts in educational policy-making today," said Sigman.


"The implications for the economy are significant and will actually improve the workforce's ability to use computers in research, design and development.


Sigman also warned class-obsessed Britons needed to drop their snobbish attitude towards hands-on vocational training within schools.


"Working with your hands is considered 'declasse' and the sciences are often seen as 'trade'," said Dr Sigman.

西格曼表示,「動手做的工作被視為社會地位低下,而科學往往被視為一門手藝行業。Kids should work with hands for brains' sake

LONDON, Reuters — British children's brain development is being threatened by their failure to work with their hands in school and at home, said a report released on Monday.
倫敦,路透社— 週一有份報告指出,由於英國兒童在學校及家中太少動手做事,導致影響大腦發展。

With woodwork, metalwork, craft, music or car mechanic classes dropped by many schools and children wanting to play computer games at home, the UK is becoming a "software instead of screwdriver society," said the report, commissioned by the Ruskin Mill Educational Trust.


"Working with one's own hands in a real world 3-D environment is imperative for full cognitive and intellectual development," said the report's author Dr. Aric Sigman.


"Research is showing that increasing time spent in the virtual world of computers is displacing hands-on play and hands-on learning.


"That allows young people to experience how the world works in practice, to gain an understanding of materials and processes and to make informed judgments about abstract concepts."


The report cited examples of 11-year-olds with deficits in certain areas of their cognitive development and a decline in the ability of young engineers and apprentices to conceptualize straightforward mechanical problems.


"The findings of this report clearly point to strengthening the role of '3-D' learning and crafts in educational policy-making today," said Sigman.


"The implications for the economy are significant and will actually improve the workforce's ability to use computers in research, design and development.


Sigman also warned class-obsessed Britons needed to drop their snobbish attitude towards hands-on vocational training within schools.


"Working with your hands is considered 'declasse' and the sciences are often seen as 'trade'," said Dr Sigman.



文章數 : 157
注冊日期 : 2012-12-13
來自 : 台中市中區自由路2段8號10樓


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